In The Garden

Creswick Community Garden


Meet to share skills and experiences growing food in the shared community garden. The garden provides an opportunity to learn about propagation, planting out, and looking after your crop. If you plan your garden right, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour without having to spend hours tending it. Maintain a community bed, or just come down to discuss and learn. Worm and composting workshops. Held the third Saturday of every month at Creswick Market from 10.30am. Monthly produce swap meets are held in partnership with the Transitions Creswick Group every 4th Saturday of every month at 9:30am.

8am Saturday mornings, and other days by arrangement, $10 per term
Community Garden Guru: Norm Beshara

Snakes – Awareness & Safety


Snakes inhabit the full range of Australian environments and are protected fauna in all States and Territories. Often described as aggressive, snakes are highly defensive like any other animal that comes under threat. The more you learn about snakes, the more you learn they are incredible creatures worthy of our respect and protection – they are also animals that we can learn to live near with less anxiety. This two-hour workshop is for people who are interested in learning more about the nature and behaviour of these fascinating reptiles as well as for people who want to reduce their fear of snakes. Get clear and simple information on how to reduce your risk of snakebite as well as appropriate first aid information. This training includes snake handling and demonstrations.

(Date to be advised), 1-3 pm
Gold Coin Donation - Bookings essential
Facilitator: Sean McCarthy - Snake Handler & Trainer

Repair and Share Cafe


This vibrant gathering is your one-stop destination for all things repair, share, and sustainability. Whether you're looking to breathe new life into your cherished items or have skills in fixing things, we invite you to join us in a celebration of community spirit and collaborative repair. Repair skills on offer by our local expert volunteers include sewing, darning, bike fixing, small electrical, mechanical, computer, knife sharpening, good conversation, woodwork inc small furniture, baking and making. Just bring you items for fixing in on the day and someone will assess it for repair.

We also have a share table for locally grown fruit & veggies, homemade goodies, and other things to cycle around again. Tea, coffee and home baked goodies to share is available too by donation. 

It's more than just fixing things; it's about creating connections, learning new skills, sharing stories, and enjoying the warmth of community over homemade food and baked treats, all available by donation.

Let's come together to support a more sustainable future, share our abundance, and make meaningful changes, one repair at a time. See you there for a day of fun, learning, and community building!

For more information or to volunteer as a fixer, baker, soup maker, or helper, SMS Tim on 0490436264 or email

The third Sunday of every month 1pm - 4 pm
Creswick Neighbourhood Centre Hall
Ongoing – just come along.

Hepburn Gardens for Wildlife


Would you like to learn how to bring local flora and fauna into your garden and neighbourhood? 

This free habitat gardening training program will help you to develop the skills and knowledge required to create more habitat in your own garden as well as to share your expertise with your local community. Participants will receive a Certificate of Attainment in Habitat Gardening and the opportunity to participate in the local Hepburn Gardens for Wildlife Mentor program.

This eight-week training program includes local site-visits to identify and document local flora, and habitat conditions for birds and other wildlife.  

Facilitator: Brian Bainbridge, Biodiversity Officer HSC

An initiative of the Neighbourhood Houses in Hepburn Shire, Hepburn Shire Council and Hepburn Gardens for Wildlife.


Our Environment

